Privacy & Cyber Response

From investigation, to litigation and regulatory response Wizkid Privacy and Cyber Response professionals assist organizations to navigate through complex cyber attacks.

The Team

Rohan Sachdev

Mushtaq Mir

Founder - Wizkid Consultancy

Rohan Sachdev

Sumairah Bhat

Director - Wizkid Consultancy

What Wizkid can do for you

What Wizkid can do for you

From incident response, to forensic investigation, to litigation and regulatory response, Wizkid Privacy and Cyber Response professionals assist organizations to fight and prepare against complex cyber-attacks.

Wizkid teams have assisted companies in responding to a range of cyber incidents, including personal identifiable information (PII) data thefts, business email compromises, ransomware attacks and credit card theft.

Wizkid teams combine cybersecurity and IT forensic experience with traditional investigative approaches, including interviewing witnesses, interrogating data, and examining physical and digital evidence to uncover all facts pertaining to a breach.

Wizkid teams are experienced in helping address regulatory inquiries and liaising with law enforcement and other authorities. As cyber breaches often span international borders, procedures are tailored to the specific legal and regulatory requirements of each country involved in the investigation by using the global Wizkid Privacy & Cyber Response network, including working work with external legal counsel.

Multidisciplinary teams can help organizations develop data governance frameworks that are supported by appropriate policies and technology so that data protection and privacy compliance is achievable and sustainable in the long run. Wizkid teams also assist in developing GDPR and other relevant data protection and privacy compliance plans that work in conjunction with the organization’s cyber response plan to enable them to respond to a cyber breach in an effective manner within the required time window.

Wizkid Consultancy &

Financial Services Pvt.Ltd

At Wizkid, our conviction lies in solid business methodologies and clear guidelines, demonstrated in our customer-centric initiatives for our patrons. Wizkid strives to cultivate worth and even-handed expansion for all its collaborators, with a focal emphasis on the client.



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