Transaction strategy

Wizkid teams can support you with the development, evaluation and end-to-end execution of your transaction strategy. We deliver operational due diligence, deal management, functional support (e.g. IT, Finance) and value creation advice and support. We advise our clients early to navigate transaction risk and increase value, from deal inception, to execution, and then driving toward longer-term transformation.

What Wizkid can do for you

Wizkid teams can help business leaders and CEOs answer the following questions:

  • What is the role of M&A within your growth and portfolio strategy?

  • Have you performed the necessary due diligence to ensure you are making the best transaction decisions?

  • How can you achieve maximum value and reduce risks through transaction execution?

  • Are you prepared for the challenges of merger integration?

wizkid transaction strategy professionals have experience in the following areas:

Corporate and business unit strategy

Wizkid professionals utilize data-rich analyses such as competitive analysis and economic forecasting, market sizing and customer perspectives into actionable and successful growth strategies in today’s everchanging and increasingly challenging landscape.

Operational and IT diligence

Wizkid professionals assist clients with critically evaluating a target’s attractiveness through an assessment of their operational and IT infrastructure. They not only offer an early identification of the operational issues affecting a business case but also identify opportunities for post transaction value creation.

Commercial diligence (buy side)

Using data-driven analysis, including the capabilities in primary and secondary research, and econometric analysis, Wizkid professionals support clients’ diligence process in evaluating the attractiveness of a target’s industry, and assessing its competitive position and opportunities for growth.

Vendor due diligence (sell side)

Wizkid professionals assess clients in the exit phase of investment by articulating a portfolio company’s strategic position and future growth opportunities.

Integration strategy planning and execution

Wizkid professionals help clients through the development of an integration strategy, identification of synergies and value creation opportunities, development of combined commercial and operating model, and development of an integration master plan. They also help clients execute the integration process, realize and track synergies and manage communication and change throughout the integration process.

Divestiture strategy planning and execution (DivestCo and RemainCo)

Wizkid professionals support the development and execution of separation plans to reduce disruption to the ongoing business and disentangle complex areas — including customers and contracts, legal entities, IT infrastructure and applications, supply chain, finance & accounting and human resources. Wizkid proprietary leading practice tools provide a robust platform to help manage your transactions in a coordinated manner.

Explore our solutions and technology

Explore our solutions and technology

How sustainable practices can
drive inclusive growth in modern
How sustainable practices can
drive inclusive growth in modern

Wizkid deals and transactions

Wizkid deals and transactions

Explore our select transactions and strategic partnerships here.

Explore our select transactions and strategic partnerships here.

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Wizkid Consultancy &

Financial Services Pvt.Ltd

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wizkid consultancy &

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At Wizkid, we believe in robust business practices, transparent policies expressed in our Client- Centric efforts towards our Clientele. Wizkid aspires to create value and balanced growth for all its stakeholders while keeping clients at the center.

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At Wizkid, we believe in robust business practices, transparent policies expressed in our Client- Centric efforts towards our Clientele. Wizkid aspires to create value and balanced growth for all its stakeholders while keeping clients at the center.



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